News and Announcements

Evaluations Information

Posted by Paul McNeil at Apr 6, 2022 2:09PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi All,

WOW, only 26 more days until our new season gets underway ! How exciting !!

But, there is a bit of business to deal with First.

New Players and Returning Players and Team Coaches and Managers, this affects you.

Our Evaluations Committee met last night and have now confirmed the times for the Evaluations.

Do to the amount of new players and returning players, there will be 2 groups that will take the field on Saturday April 23rd.

Group A – Warm ups start at 10:30am. Evaluation goes 11:00am until 1:00pm.

Group B – Warm ups start at 12:30pm. Evaluation goes 1:00pm until 3:00 pm.

Groups will be selected after registration closes on April 13th so that any new or returning players that sign up after today can be added to the List.

Evaluation Location is Tentatively set for the Triwood Diamond, located next to Triwood Community Center. 2244 Chicoutimi Drive NW, Calgary. We are still waiting on confirmation to confirm the Triwood field availability. (Charleswood 1 or 2 may be used)

So expect a follow up message in the Very Near Future to confirm which group you’re in and to confirm the Location.

Cheers Everyone,
Paul M

Registration List Update - New Website Access

Posted by Paul McNeil at Apr 5, 2022 3:12PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to some hard work behind the Scenes by our Registrar John Schmidt and our Webmaster Bill Aitken, I have some Great News !
Everyone is now able to view our Current Updated Registration List directly from the Home Page of our Website!!

Just Visit the Website at

On the Left Side Menu under LINKS, you will now see “Am I Registered” about a quarter way down the list.
Click that Link to open up the current updated List as of Today at noon.

If anyone has a question or think the list does not reflect their correct status, please reach out to John Schmidt at

Awesome Work, John and Bill !!

  • Also, the Evaluation Times for Sat April 23rd should be posted Tomorrow. A message will be sent out to all.

And Why Not have a few Great Quotes,

" They give you a round bat and they throw you a round ball and they tell you to hit it Square"
- Willie Stargell
“Everyone makes mistakes, thats why they put erasers on pencils”
- Tommy Lasorda

Cheers Everyone,
Paul M

Triwood 60th Anniversary Celebration

Posted by Paul McNeil at Mar 31, 2022 12:33PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,

Triwood Community Association is Celebrating their 60th Anniversary on May 28th. And they are looking for Volunteers to Help them Celebrate.
So if you’re available to help them by Volunteering it would be greatly appreciated. If not, Let’s go out and Celebrate with them! It’s sure to be a Fun Day.

Here is the Message I received from their Executive Director Stephan Horbay with Triwood,

“Hello Triwood Community Association stakeholders!
This year, Triwood is turning 60 years old (well, 60 and a half… our party is a little delayed thanks to COVID)!

We are planning a massive celebration on May 28th, with live music, dance, drinks, food, FIREWORKS, games, kid’s activities, markets, a car show, and anything else we can fit on to our property! The event will be 60’s themed and the goal will be to walk our visitors through the history of the Association – from the early, open air arena, to the future plans for our building expansion. Of course, when the time comes, you, your staff and members will all be invited! Also though… We are in need of your VOLUNTEER help! Triwood is reaching out to our primary partners to fill two specific sets of roles for the event: white hats (hosts that provide general direction to visitors at the event – similar to the volunteers who you see at Stampede), and individuals who can help with designing displays (both physical and digital) that highlight Triwood’s history. The group of volunteers will meet with the 60th Anniversary Committee in early April to discuss the roles noted above. Time commitment for volunteers will be amount to one or two meetings, and either a few hours at the event on May 28th, or some at-home design work (depending on the role you are interested in). Creative? Friendly? Appreciate Triwood? Please step up to join our volunteer group by forwarding your interest to before the end of March. Triwood Stakeholder leaders, please help us out by forwarding this request on to your members and staff and promoting involvement!

Thank you sincerely!!

Stephan Horbay

Executive Director
Triwood Community Association"

This Event on May 28th coincides with the Kelowna Ogopogo’s Softball Tournament, so I know there will be many of our members that will not be available to assist. But if you’re available, let’s try and assist them by Volunteering or helping them Celebrate.

Cheers Everyone,

Paul M

Registration Countdown

Posted by Paul McNeil at Mar 30, 2022 6:44PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,

Well the Countdown is on for Registration !!
And we even extended it by 3 Days to April 13. Which also coincides with our Spring AGM, also on the 13th.
So if you Late Registers are coming to the AGM, bring your checkbook.

So let’s keep up the Great work and lets get the rest of the League signed up !!

Be sure to check out the all important dates on the website as well.
Click here for the Website,

If you are having issues or have questions about registration contact our Registrar John Schmidt at

or Contact me, Paul McNeil at

Thanks Everyone,

And Hey, Lets not Forget about those Amazing Guys in Blue (well Purple in our League) The Amazing Umpires, we can’t leave them out of the Fun Quote"s
“Gentleman, he was out because I said he was out.”
- Bill Klem
" I never questioned the Integrity of an Umpire, their Eye Site Yes, but never Integrity"
- Leo Durocher
“It isn’t enough for an Umpire to merely Know what he’s doing. He has to look as though he knows what he is doing, too”
- Larry Goetz

Apologies To New Members

Posted by Paul McNeil at Mar 29, 2022 1:57PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,

The League wants to send out Apologies to All the New League Members and Returning Members that have not been receiving our League messages.
Website Issue, that’s possible…….. Human Error, Likely……My Human Error…. Absolutely !!

This message is just a test Run for all the New Guys.
Fingers are Crossed!!

There are lots of messages for you all to catch up on.

All New Members, Please try and respond to this message so that I will be able to sleep tonight knowing that it all worked.
And If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at

Cheers everyone

Paul M