
Tired of Making Outs at the Plate?

Posted by Gary Paukert on May 23 2024 at 08:42PM PDT

Hey Everyone!

Now that the season has started….HOW’S YOUR HITTING?

Are you sick and tired of hitting weak ground balls to the shortstop? Embarrassed from popping up to the infield with the bases loaded?

So, when are you going to DO something about it?

I have three spots left in the SENIOR SLOPITCH TRAINING CAMP with Bob O’Brien and Alan Tanner coming to Calgary from Florida. Bob and Alan are Majors+ slopitch players and lifelong professional trainers and coaches.

The camp will be 2-1/2 days, Friday-Sunday, July 12-14 at the Aero Diamonds. With 18 campers and two coaches there will be LOTS of face time with the coaches to get personal swing assessment and other instruction. Your hitting WILL improve, as you learn to hit line drives over the infield and into the gaps for extra bases. Your defense, pitching and your ability to avoid injuries will also improve. The cost for the weekend is just $399. Lots of fun in addition to teaching.

Get off your butt and make this the summer you kick your game UP a notch…or two or three! I’m serious, you don’t want to miss this.

Email me at and I’ll get you signed up! Then tell your coach and manager to start planning to move you up to lead-off in the lineup!

Gary Paukert


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