
League Looking for IT / Technical Assistance for Website

Posted by Paul McNeil on Nov 20 2021 at 10:44AM PST

Hi Everyone,

We are hoping to recruit a Volunteer from our ‘Ranks’ that has an IT or technical background to help us with the website. Ideally we would like this person to come from within the League but a family member or friend would also be accepted.
So if you are that person or if you know someone that would be a good fit, please email me with the information.

Thanks All,

Paul McNeil
Director of Communications


2021-11-20T11:18:15.000-08:00November 20 2021, at 11:18 AM PST, Gary Paukert said:

Good job, Paul! Just sending this to test out what happens when people click on the ‘reply’ link in the email send-out. – Gary Paukert