

Reminder - Upcoming Registration

Posted by Paul McNeil on Jan 02 2023 at 08:36AM PST in May 2022

Hi League,

Happy New Year to Everyone.

This is just a message to remind everyone that our 2023 Season’s Registration
is starting on Wednesday Feb 1 this year.

So lets all put that date in our calendars. And as always, please sign up as soon as you can.
This helps our Registrar to get his work completed in a timely fashion.
(And believe me, the Registrar has lots to do)

There will be more information to follow right after our next board meeting, which is already scheduled
for Jan 18th.

Thanks Everyone,
Paul M

Here is your first Quote of the New Year,

“Opening day. All you have to do is say the words and you feel the shutters thrown wide, the room air out, the light pour in. In baseball, no other day is so pure with possibility. No scores yet, no losses, no blame or disappointment. No hangover, at least until the game’s over”
- Mary Schmich


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