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CSMS League Fall General Meeting - Zoom Access Wednesday Evening

Posted by Gary Paukert on Nov 16 2020 at 01:05PM PST in May 2019

Good afternoon, everyone:

As you know, the recent accelerated spread of COVID-19 makes it necessary for us to hold our Fall General Meeting online-only via Zoom. The meeting will begin at 7:00pm this coming Wednesday, November 18th.

Please save this email and click on the link under ‘Join Zoom Meeting’ below when you are ready to join the meeting. If clicking on the link doesn’t work, you can copy it and paste it in your internet browser address field. You will be able to join the meeting at any time.

I will be online two hours early, at 5:00pm, to try to make sure this all works and to help people who might have trouble connecting. My cell phone number is 587-435-4426 if you experience any trouble in signing in. However, most problems tend to revolve around people not having their speakers or microphones turned on, so you might want to take a moment to make sure you know how to control those before Wednesday.

As Moderator, I will have everyone’s microphones muted until it is an individual’s turn to talk, at which point I’ll let his sound come through for everyone to hear. The way to ‘raise your hand’ will be to ask by typing in the ‘chat’ window. That window is opened up by clicking on the ‘chat’ icon at the bottom of the Zoom window. I’ll take requests to speak in the order they appear in the chat window.

There will be presentations by the various Directors and a vote will be taken to fill 6 Board positions from a field of 8 candidates. The voting procedure is very easy and will just involve clicking to put a check mark beside candidates’ names in a small window that will appear on your screen.

Here’s hoping we can all rally around the technology and pull off the league’s first virtual meeting. I will see you at your computers Wednesday night.

Best regards,

Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications Director
Gary Paukert is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

To Join Zoom Meeting CLICK ON THIS LINK:

Meeting ID: 920 5899 3067
Passcode: 152773
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Dialing in may incur long distance phone charges
Meeting ID: 920 5899 3067
Passcode: 152773
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ado7u0lADg


2021-10-16T02:31:34.000-07:00October 16 2021, at 02:31 AM PDT, Debra Rooney said:

Are you prepared for the meeting? Here are some things to consider. The meeting will be held online-only via Zoom and all they need is to visit https://realtytimes.com/advicefromtheexpert/item/1042174-is-it-safe-to-use-college-paper-writing-services-today in order to get quality work. Please make sure that your computer has a working camera and microphone before the meeting begins, otherwise, you may find yourself unable to participate in crucial moments of discussion!