
CSMS 55 + League THANK YOU !!

Posted by Paul McNeil on Aug 22 2022 at 07:31PM PDT in May 2022

Hi Everyone,

Although there have been Many in our League that stepped up this year to help volunteer their time or just helped out wherever they could, I wanted to take a minute to send out a Huge THANK YOU and a Tip of The Hat, to a couple specific people that responded to our League request with the Lawn Mower issue we had a short time back.

Jim Kalyn, who plays with the A’s in Div A.
Jim helped us tremendously by not only picking up the Mower, but he repaired it and brought it back cleaner and in far better working condition then when he picked it up. And he brought it back with a Full Tank of Gas !!

Steve Phelps, who plays with the Orioles in Div AA.
Steve had a very good backup working mower which he donated to our League. And he Also brought it to us with a Full Tank of Gas !!

Gentlemen, we Salute your contributions to our League !!

On Behalf of our Entire CSMS 55 + League.
Thank You for your Contributions.

Paul M
A Fitting Quote for Everyone,
“Here is what a team can do for you. . . . It allows you to help others do their best.”
- John C Maxwell


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