
Mon July 4th DayBall Games

Posted by Paul McNeil on Jul 01 2022 at 03:08PM PDT in May 2022

Hey Guys,

Important Update !!
We will be missing guys on all the teams this coming Monday July 4th.

So be sure to come out to the early game whether or not you are playing in that first game and be prepared to stay for second game if you are done early.
Spares will be required for sure and well as someone to umpire.

This coming Mondays games look like this,
Monday, July 04, 2022
10:00 AM Brew Jays (A) @ Rebels (H)
11:30 AM Brew Jays (A) @ Variants (H)

Variant Player’s, come out to the early game and help out with the player shortages.
And Rebel Players, please try and stay after your first game to help out with the second game player shortages.

I also understand that the following Monday July 11th games may have player shortages as well.

And a Friendly Reminder, Please be sure to put all the gear away and Lock up the both Boxes and the Porta Potties after the Games.

Cheers Everyone
Paul M


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