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Urgent!! - Rules Clinic Reminder

Posted by Paul McNeil at Apr 3, 2024 9:27PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,

This is an important follow up to our scheduled Rules Clinic on April 13th.
Hey Guys,
We have not received alot of responses from people attending this very important clinic.
Only 3 people so far !!!

See Info Below.

Rules Clinic
There is a Rules Clinic set for April 13 at Triwood Community Center in the Foothills room from 10am to 1pm. This used to be called the Umpires clinic but Rules clinic is more indicative of the nature of the content. Any league member can attend is encouraged to attend, but it is highly recommended managers and coaches attend, and any league member wanting to become a new umpire must attend. Register through Dave Finn so he knows how many to expect.

Speaking of umpires, CSMS will not be using SPN umpires for the 2024 season so we will require players from within our league to step into umpiring positions. This will be critical for AAA on Tuesdays where we have 4 teams playing, we will only have 2 teams not playing which will need to supply umpires. If you have been thinking about umpiring, now is the time to start. Not to mention the exceptional pay, imagine the prestige! Also, a great way to become involved in making our league progress forward and maintain sustainability.

Lets go guys, this is a free clinic and is being Hosted by one of our very own, Dave Finn. For all of those who know Dave, you already know that this will be a very informative and very fun clinic.

Please send an email to Dave or reply back to this message letting one of us know that you will be attending.

Thanks Everyone,
Paul M
CSMS 55+


Hey Everyone,

194 Registered so Far !!

I’ve been having a tough time getting this list out to everyone. Technology is getting the Better of Me !!!
Hopefully it works this time around.

You should hopefully be able to open this list from this email message.
And FYI,
Almost everyone was able to open the last list from their phone and directly from the Message that had been posted on the Website. (just not from the email)

So, if you can not open this updated list directly from this email you have received, then click the Link below to take you directly to our website and open the list on the same message.
Or if you have your emails going to your smartphone or tablet, you should be able to open it from those devices.

Click on Link Below to take you directly to the Website,

Sorry, Everyone.

Paul M
CSMS 55+

How about some Fun Facts about Technology,

The world’s first computer, the ENIAC, weighed 27 tons and occupied a space of 1,800 square feet.

The most expensive computer ever built, the IBM Sequoia, cost around $100 million.

The world’s first computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1964 and was made of wood.

If you look up the Dictionary Definition for the word Computer in a Dictionary printed before 1965, the definition reads,
" one who computes", a person performing mathematical calculations "

A single Apple Iphone, has more computing power than all of NASA’s computers during the moon landing.
(yet they went to the moon and back, and I still can’t get a cell signal in some areas of Calgary)


Hi Everyone,

Getting lots of people asking to see who is registered (think most just wanted to know if THEY Registered already)

Anyway, i have put together a current list of who is signed up.
See Below
If you don’t see your neighbors name (or previous teammates) on this list, get them signed up today !!
The snow won’t be here much Longer !

Cheers Everyone,

Update !!

Posted by Paul McNeil at Mar 29, 2024 12:53PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Sorry everyone !!

The list will not open on last message.
Stand by. I will resend shortly.

BOO, HISS, &#*!@

Paul M
CSMS 55+

Are You Registered ? Lets Find Out

Posted by Paul McNeil at Mar 29, 2024 12:47PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,

Getting lots of people asking to see who is registered (think most just wanted to know if THEY Registered already)

Anyway, i have put together a current list of who is signed up.
See Below
If you don’t see your neighbors name (or previous teammates) on this list, get them signed up today !!
The snow won’t be here much Longer !

Cheers Everyone,

Paul M
CSMS 55+