
News and Announcements


It’s a difficult world these days and we’ve now received word that Bill Alexander’s partner Elizabeth McHugh passed away on May 9th.

Bill has been in our league for years and years and from what I’ve heard knows more about slo-pitch in Alberta than anyone in history. As with Damien Skelling also this month, there’s no good time to lose a spouse, but right now is just the worst. I hope those of you who know Bill will reach out in support and encouragement.

Elizabeth’s obituary can be seen here:

As must be these days, there will be no service until group gathering restrictions are lifted, and then there will be a small memorial for family.

With sympathy,

Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications

Hello CSMS Members,

I’m very sad to have to report that Cleo Skelling, Damien Skelling’s wife of 46 years, has passed away. Damien played for the Cubs in AA Division last year.

Because of the situation with the COVID-19 virus, there will not be a service at this time, but the family plans to have a memorial service for family and close friends when that become possible again.

Please keep Damien in your thoughts and prayers and perhaps reach out to him if you know him as this is a terribly difficult time, not being able to grieve with family and friends.

Here is the link to Cleo’s obituary:

The obituary requests that in lieu of flowers or donations, people submit fond memories and stories on the funeral home web page.

Best wishes,

Gary Paukert
CSMS Communications

From Registrar John Schmidt:

I would like to finish off the 2020 registration paperwork by Jun 1.

A few of you have not yet paid your membership fee. If you haven’t paid and want to remain a member of CSMS and be automatically enrolled for 2021, please contact me at john.sch@shaw.ca or 403 455-0723 to arrange payment.

If you would like a refund of your 2020 CSMS fee, please let me know before June 1.

If I don’t receive payment before June 1 or if you ask for a refund, you will be removed from our membership list and have to re-register for 2021.

Stay healthy,

John Schmidt, Registrar

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eMail Scam Warning

Posted by Gary Paukert at May 19, 2020 5:42PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hello League Members,

You may have recently received an email, ostensibly from CSMS President Ernie French. The short email probably said something like ‘Are you available right now?’

This is a scam and you should just delete the email.

The way the scam works is that you reply to ‘Ernie,’ but of course you’re not emailing him, you’re emailing the scammer. The scammer says something like ‘I want the league to buy some gifts to say thank you to volunteers, but I’m out of town. Could you please go to Walmart and buy ten Apple gift cards for us to send out, and the league will reimburse you right away.’ The scammer asks you to send him the gift card numbers. He immediately uses them up on online purchases, leaving you holding the bag.

The scam is particularly effective when the scammer is able to identify both the corporate leadership and those in charge of purchasing.

Many, many organizations like ours have been similarly targeted.

Just delete the email and you’re in the clear. The only way you can get hurt is by replying and going and buying gift cards for the scammer.


Gary Paukert

Hello again, members:

CSMS League has received information from the other leagues and facilities in Calgary and the Province such as the Calgary Slow Pitch Society, who have also been shut down for the summer and their seasons cancelled. They have published the following which may be of interest to those who may be wondering what they might be allowed to do this summer.

From the City of Calgary Parks and Recreation:

The City has clarified their initial announcement about public events being cancelled through August 31st, 2020. They have stated that these cancellations include outdoor sports activities such as soccer and slo-pitch. They have issued the following guidance, suggesting that you ask yourself the following questions when considering an activity:

1) Does the activity violate a public health order? This includes gatherings of 15 or more people, including sporting events, concerts, rodeos and other outdoor events, as well as private gatherings such as BBQs and weddings. Gatherings of FEWER than 15 people are also prohibited if physical distancing (two metres) is not possible, unless those gathering are from the same household.

2) Does the activity involve contact with frequently-touched objects or surfaces? Examples include communal barbeques, drinks with friends, picnics and activities that used shared equipment such as horseshoes and bocce ball.

3) Can the activity proceed with physical distancing in place? Outdoor activities with people outside your household or cohort family may proceed as long as there are fewer than 15 people, people remain physically-distant and there is no contact with frequently-touched objects or surfaces.

Some examples of approved activities are walks, bike-rides, flying kites, gardening in community settings, and visiting parks. Physical distancing is not required among members of a household.

Meanwhile, we have heard from JayCee Park who have informed that all tournament and regular season bookings have been cancelled until further notice. They state that they are still ‘optimistic that some ball will be played this year,’ and are working hard to maintain and update the facilities. But until further notice they are shut down.

I hope that this information will be helpful. In order to be completely sure, please go to the City of Calgary or Province of Alberta websites to review the regulations before engaging in any activity.