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Found after Last Nights General Meeting

Posted by Paul McNeil at Sep 29, 2022 5:17PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone

Someone left a black hoodie at Triwood after last nights meeting. If this looks familiar, please let me know and I will make sure it gets back to you.
The tag says Globe.

Paul M

End of Season Storage Access Wed Sept 28th

Posted by Paul McNeil at Sep 27, 2022 10:56AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Coaches and Managers,

Rick Anderson has let me know that before our General Meeting this Wednesday Sept 28th, Rick will be at the Triwood Storage Containers from 6pm until 6:45pm to receive any League Related items that need to be stored for the Winter, ie, uniforms, extra balls, league gear etc etc.

So if you have anything League Related that needs to be stored, then this will be the best time to take advantage of the access.

Thanks for that update Rick.

Cheers Everyone,
Paul M

Wednesday Sept 28th General Meeting Update

Posted by Paul McNeil at Sep 27, 2022 9:39AM PDT ( 1 Comment )

Hi Everyone,

This is an update from President Gary Paukert before our GM on this coming Wednesday.

“Wednesday, September 28th at 7:00pm the league’s General Meeting will be held. As per usual, there will be a time where the membership can bring forward topics for discussion. Motions can be brought forward and if desired, voted upon to inform the Board of Directors about the membership’s opinions on how the league should be run.

Some motions have already been sent and have been received by the Board, and are outlined below. Other motions can be brought up at the meeting.
(See Motions Below)
We look forward to seeing you at Triwood Community Centre, Collingwood Room, on Wednesday night.

Motion 1:
Motion to Encourage the Board to Amend CSMS League Spare Player Usage rules.
The number of games that one individual will be allowed to spare for one team will be reduced from 8 to 6 per season.

Motion 2:
Motion to Encourage the Board to Amend the AA Division Regular Season Schedule
The number of games to be 28 in a full season, not including the first week which will be practice games.

Motion 3:
Motion to Encourage the Board to Amend the AA Division Playoff Format
The AA Division playoffs will only involve the top four teams from the regular season.

Motion 4:
Motion to Encourage the Board to use the Triwood 1 Diamond for Monday night AA Division Games Instead of Charleswood 2
Specifically, Triwood 1 is not to be given to the women’s league for Monday night play.

Gary Paukert
President CSMS 55+"

Thanks Everyone,
Paul M

Joel Perry Injury Update

Posted by Paul McNeil at Sep 19, 2022 6:10PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hi Everyone,

For those not aware, League Member, Joel Perry suffered an injury on Day 2 of our recent Mike Church Tournament.

Joel suffered a Hip Injury and was taken by Ambulance to the Hospital.
Joel has now been released and is back at home starting his recovery / rehab !
Gary Paukert spoke with Joel earlier today and was informed that Joel’s prognosis is looking good
and he’s already thinking of next Season.

Good Luck with the Recovery / Rehab Joel.

Look forward to seeing you back out Next Year.

Paul M
CSMS 55+


Hi Everyone

Day 2 was another great day in Indus at the StrikeForce 65/70
Fall Tournament.
Once again there was tons of action and great plays by all Teams !
It was another spectacular Day of Softball !!

Click on the following Link to view the all the Pics from today.


Great Games Guys and Thanks again to all the Awesome Fans!!

Cheers Everyone

Paul M
CSMS 55+