News and Announcements

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AGM Tonight! 7:00pm

Posted by Gary Paukert at Oct 27, 2021 4:02PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Just a quick nag! The AGM is at 7:00pm tonight. We’ll make it SHORT so you don’t miss much of World Series Game#2, (Go ‘stros!). The Zoom meeting is actually open already and I’m around to help you sign in if you have problems. Here’s the link. See you soon!

Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications

To Join the Zoom Meeting click here, or copy the line below to the address bar on your browser:

Meeting ID: 883 6397 1321
Passcode: 099891
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,88363971321#,,,,099891# US (Houston)
+16465588656,,88363971321#,,,,099891# US (New York)

If you need to dial to connect, BE AWARE you may incur long-distance telephone charges:
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
Meeting ID: 883 6397 1321
Passcode: 099891
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Update on Charles Adams

Posted by Gary Paukert at Oct 27, 2021 3:14AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Hello, League,

Many of you have asked how Charles is doing. Charles Adams and his wife Janet are our Faithful Fans, attending many games and keeping a watchful eye on our facilities from their nearby home.

Last summer Charles was at the Triwood diamond, tripped in the parking lot and fractured his hip. After waiting over an hour for an ambulance with three of our league members, he was transported to Foothills hospital. During surgery he experience heart problems which had to be looked after. All in all he was having what is known as a Very Bad Day!

Fortunately Charles is doing better now. He went through a couple months of rehab at CareWest centre and is now at home recovering. He is able to get around – even stairs – and outside, with the use of a crutch. As you know, his wife Janet, has her own medical challenges but has been doing pretty well taking care him. She isn’t able to drive, but the Christian Women’s Club has been a tremendous help to her in getting groceries and transporting both of them to medical appointments.

I’m sure Charles and Janet would be encouraged, if not tickled pink to receive calls from league members letting them know that we are concerned and haven’t forgotten them. Their home phone number is 403) 282-4140. If you know them, why not give them a quick call and let them know you’re looking forward to seeing them in the stands next May?

Best regards,

Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications


Hello League!

The glories of the 2021 season are fading as the temperature drops and it’s time for our annual Fall General Meeting.

Due to the still-high-but-thankfully-falling COVID numbers, this year’s Fall General Meeting will be virtual (on-line) just as our spring meeting was. The meeting is expected to last just 45-60 minutes. There will be a vote on the Special Resolution that you received notification of about a month ago. New Board members will be up for election.

Please save this e-mail for next Wednesday and just click on the link below to bring up a Zoom window and join the fun. Like last year, I’ll be online with Zoom starting at 6:30 to help anyone with technical issues to join the fracas, but the meeting proper will not start until 7:00pm. If you have difficulties, call me at 403-995-4426 or email at

This is YOUR league! This is YOUR chance to have a say in how it is run and where it is going in the future. Your Board has lots of good, exciting ideas about growing the league and improving it. Please consider how you can contribute to it’s future, but the first step is to come out to this short meeting.

See you ALL, I hope, on my computer screen next Wednesday.

Gary Paukert
VP/Communications Director
Calgary Senior Men’s Slopitch League

To Join the Zoom Meeting click here, or copy the line below to the address bar on your browser:

Meeting ID: 883 6397 1321
Passcode: 099891
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,88363971321#,,,,099891# US (Houston)
099891# US (New York)

If you need to dial to connect, BE AWARE you may incur long-distance telephone charges:
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
Meeting ID: 883 6397 1321
Passcode: 099891
Find your local number:

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Dayball is ON for tomorrow!

Posted by Gary Paukert at Oct 3, 2021 6:38PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Just confirming, we DO have enough players for two teams. So everyone show up at 11:00am at Triwood.

Last chance before the snow flies!

Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications

Hi Everyone,

We had a great day last Monday. Since the weather looks good for this coming Monday, October 4, and a core group of guys are still interested, let’s plan for a game.

However, our numbers have dwindled a little each of the last few weeks, so we would like a confirmation that you can make it on Monday. We will need at least 18 players. Please let Brad Campbell know by 11:00 am on Sunday, October 3rd (before football starts) at if you are coming to day ball on October 4th for an 11:00 am start. You can text him at (403) 620-4421 as well.

This will be our final game as the following Monday is Thanksgiving (with a long-term forecast – at this point – of a high of 10°C and chance of flurries). You can hand in your jersey to Brad at the game on Monday. If you are not coming Monday (or if it’s cancelled), please arrange to get your jersey to your original manager.

Thanks all,

Brad Campbell
