Urgent Volunteer Request - Triwood Bingo Nights
Hey Everyone,
Our friends at Triwood just sent us a message about needing help recruiting
volunteers for a couple of Bingo Nights at the Grey Eagle Casino.
Triwood has provided bingo volunteers each month at Grey Eagle Casino and they just had a group who was signed up for the Sunday May 19th and Saturday June 22 Bingo nights who now unfortunately can not attend.
They are desperately looking for 8 volunteers who could work a shift from 4pm-10pm on Sunday May 19th. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
They also need volunteers for the June 22nd, also 4pm-10pm date, but they have more time to fill those spots.
To note however, it is a smoking bingo on each of the dates.
If you can help out, please click the Links Below to get signed up.
Sunday May 19th,
Saturday June 22nd,
Thanks Everyone,
Paul M
CSMS 55+