
Evaluation List and Group 1 and 2 Info for Sat April 27th

Posted by Paul McNeil on Apr 22 2024 at 05:13PM PDT in May 2023

Hi Everyone,

This message is for everyone that will be involved in this coming Saturdays Evaluations.
(Managers, Coaches, New players, Returning Players, Volunteers, committee and board members)

Please see the attached document below regarding the Group numbers and the time slots and assigned pinney numbers for each player on Saturday April 27th.

New Players and returning players, please Find your name, if your name is highlighted in green you are in group 1.
If your name is highlighted in yellow, you are in Group 2.

Group 1 starts at 9:30am and should finish up between 11am and 11:30am.
So, group 1 please arrive at 9am to get your Pinneys and to give yourself a chance to warm up. Look on the right side of the included list to see the Pinney number that is assigned to you, Group 1 will be wearing green Pinneys numbered 1 thru 22.

Group 2 starts at 11:30am and should finish up between 1pm and 1:30pm.
So, Group 2, please arrive at 11am to get your Pinneys and to give yourself time to warm up. Look on the right side of the included list to see the Pinney number that is assigned to you. Group 2 will be wearing black Pinneys numbered 1 thru 21.

We are meeting at the Field house at Webber Athletic Park (DO GO TO WEBBER SCHOOL)
Evaluations will be inside unless the weather allows for outside evaluations.
(determined the morning of)

The Webber Athletic Park is located at the very west end of Lower Springbank Road. The entrance is directly across that last intersection. You can not miss it, you will see the field house and the Fields.

Please read about the rules of Webber Athletic Park.
- no pets allowed on the premises
- no metal cleats allowed. only running shoes, turf shoes, molded plastic cleats
- no gum
- no smoking or chewing tobacco
- no illicit drugs
- no sunflower seeds or nuts in a shell
- food and beverages allowed in designated areas only

New Players and returning Players, Look for myself, Paul McNeil and Wayne Nelson to help you get sorted when you arrive.
We will be set up inside the entrance of the field house. But if we move outside please ask someone from our group. We have lots of volunteers coming out to help as well as all of the managers and coaches.

Everyone, Please be on Time.

Thanks Everyone,
See you all on Saturday,

Paul M
CSMS 55+


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