REMINDER - Draft Dates, Times and Locations
Hello All Managers and Coaches,
This is a follow up to remind everyone that the Drafts are starting next week.
Monday April 24th
AAA Draft will take place at Triwood in JT’s Lounge
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Wednesday April 26th
AA Draft will take place at Triwood in Collingwood Room
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Saturday April 29th
A Draft will take place at Triwood in JT’s Lounge
10:00am – 1:00pm
These Drafts are open only to Managers and Coaches and specific board members with assigned duties.
No players are allowed to attend.
When Drafts are completed, players will be notified shortly after by their New Managers and Coaches with further Info.
Good Luck to All.
And May the Draft Odds forever be in your Favor. ( for the movie buffs, that quote is from a famous movie)
Thank You Everyone,
Paul M
CSMS 55+