Volunteer Worker Bees Required on Saturday April 15th, 9AM at Triwood
Hi Everyone,
Its that time of the year when we need our worker bees to volunteer at Triwood Community Center to help dismantle the Outdoor Hockey Arena, which is currently set up on the Triwood 1 Ball Diamond.
This event is scheduled for Saturday April 15th at 9AM at Triwood.
Last year we had about 10 guys show up from our League to volunteer and with the community volunteers that showed up, we had this work wrapped up in about 2-1/2 hours.
So if you are available, please come out and give a hand.
You will need a pair of gloves, maybe a few tools if you have them, wire cutters, a cordless drill, a small plastic container to keep track of the screws and misc hardware, maybe a garbage bag.
Remember, this also helps out our league by getting the Triwood Diamond prepped sooner to start our new upcoming season.
Please let me know if you can give a hand.
Thanks Everyone,
Paul M
CSMS 55+