Looking for Player Recruits for ........Hockey, It's Too Soon !!
Hi Everyone,
A large group of guys in our CSMS 55+ League play in a Hockey League in Calgary from October until April.
(I’m not ready to think Hockey Yet, but planning ahead is always a good thing)
They are searching for Goalie’s for the upcoming year.
If you are a goalie or know of a goalie please contact me and I will forward your message on to Don McKillop and Dave Curtis. Or I can send you their contact info.
And FYI,
Goalie’s play for free and they don’t have to be 55, they can be younger.
Thanks Everyone,
Paul M
(Ex Goalie)
and Here is a quote that seems to fits with this message,
“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”
- Wayne Gretzky