
Collision Avoidance Tips - A Great Video!

Posted by Gary Paukert on Jul 06 2022 at 12:51PM PDT in May 2022

Hey guys,

Safety should be our highest priority, especially at this time in life! With orange bases and scoring lines, we do a pretty good job of avoiding collisions on the base paths. But as we all know, there is always the potential for serious collisions between fielders when going for a fly ball in the outfield or infield. I personally had a team-mate who while playing for another team collided with another outfielder and suffered permanent mental impairment.

Bob O’Brien is one of the premier senior men’s slopitch players in North America and a stellar instructor. He has put together a really helpful video and put it on his YouTube channel for everyone to learn from. The video was taken at the Senior Men’s slopitch camp he teaches, in this case in Colorado Springs last May.

Click on this link to view the 33 minute long video, and consider talking over the collision avoidance strategies with your team mates.

This is worth posting even if it means just one fewer injury in the field. Have a look. The slopitch career you save might just be your own!

Gary Paukert
Calgary Senior Men’s Slopitch League


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