Registration List Update - New Website Access
Hi Everyone,
Thanks to some hard work behind the Scenes by our Registrar John Schmidt and our Webmaster Bill Aitken, I have some Great News !
Everyone is now able to view our Current Updated Registration List directly from the Home Page of our Website!!
Just Visit the Website at
On the Left Side Menu under LINKS, you will now see “Am I Registered” about a quarter way down the list.
Click that Link to open up the current updated List as of Today at noon.
If anyone has a question or think the list does not reflect their correct status, please reach out to John Schmidt at
Awesome Work, John and Bill !!
- Also, the Evaluation Times for Sat April 23rd should be posted Tomorrow. A message will be sent out to all.
And Why Not have a few Great Quotes,
" They give you a round bat and they throw you a round ball and they tell you to hit it Square"
- Willie Stargell
“Everyone makes mistakes, thats why they put erasers on pencils”
- Tommy Lasorda
Cheers Everyone,
Paul M