
2022 Season Registration Update

Posted by Paul McNeil on Jan 22 2022 at 10:10AM PST in July 2021 Season

Good Morning League,

Lets Start with Quote of the Day,

“We made too many wrong mistakes.”
-Yogi Berra

There is only 98 Days until we get this new season underway. Almost time to put away the Ice Fishing Gear and the Curling Equipment and start thinking about Softball !!

So Registration is moving along very well and we are seeing Lots of New Players signing up, which is awesome.
But a couple of things for those who haven’t signed up yet. Some common questions have been asked.

- after clicking on the Large Green Button on the Website, you are directed to another page. Once you read the important messages on that page, you will see a Large Blue Line further down the page that says, ****Click Here to Register****.
After clicking that link you will be directed to the actual sign up page where you will enter in all your info. This will be the same for anyone signing up from a computer or mobile device. The only difference between a computer and mobile device is where the Large Green Button is Located on the Home Page.
- When registering with AB55, be sure to check off, Slo Pitch as well as any other sport you may be playing in. That makes it easier for us to track who has signed up with AB55
- If paying by Cheque, please be aware that our Registrar only goes to the Bank to deposit checks once every 1 or 2 weeks, depending on how many cheques are mailed. So if you notice that your check has not been processed yet, be patient, it will be.
- Anyone who wants to view Board Meeting Minutes on the Website, must be signed in or logged in to the site. Once you are signed in, look under Links on the left side of the page. Click on Meetings to it open up. The most recent minutes will be shown in blue as 2021-12-01 and 2021-11-17

As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. And we will sort it out.
Cheers Everyone,



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