November at Charleswood?
Hi guys,
I’m putting together a video ‘commercial’ to help promote our league on platforms such as our Facebook and YouTube pages.
I need some video clips of guys pitching, catching and hitting on the diamond. Tomorrow is going to be quite warm like today. If you are interested in being part of this, I’ll be at Charleswood 1 at 1:00pm (that’s Thursday, November 4). Please come dressed in full slo-pitch regalia. Wear some sort of non-descript top if you don’t have a league jersey. It shouldn’t take more than 45 minutes, but if it’s nice and we’re already there why not have a bit of November practice?
I’m looking for a variety of skill levels from A to AAA.
Email me at to let me know you are coming. I need about 2 or 3 more guys.
Gary Paukert
President CSMS League