AAA Division Playoff Semi-final Results
As Sinatra sang, the ‘Days Dwindle Down to a Precious Few’ and we are definitely there in September.
Last night in the AAA Division Semi-final the D’Backs (1) ousted the Yankees (4) 25-15. Tonight in the other Semi-final, the Blue Jays (2) ousted the Twins (3) 22-16.
The Twins cannot field a team for the consolation game tomorrow, so the Yankees are AAA Division Bronze Medal winners for the 2021 Season.
Tomorrow’s AAA Division Playoff Final at Charleswood 1 will pit the regular season first and second place teams against each other to see who gets Gold and who gets Silver.
Everyone come out for this 6:00 game! Except for a few more Dayball games, this is the last you’ll see of slo-pitch at Triwood/Charleswood until next April or May.
Good luck to both teams,
Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications