Play Ball!
Today was a good day! A VERY good day.
The AHS announcement today means we’ll soon be playing ball again. Your Board had a plan ready for this day, and we are ready to throw the switch and move forward. Here is that plan:
June 14 Registration closes
June 21/22 Mandatory evaluation sessions for new players 2020 and 2021
June 23 AAA draft
June 24 Dayball draft
June 25 AA draft
June 27 A draft
June 28-July 2 Practice week
July 1 Umpire clinic
July 5 Regular season begins
The season will run into September in order to maximize the number of games and we will finish off with a tournament at Charleswood/Triwood, rather than playoffs.
The Province of Alberta expects to be without any significant COVID restrictions by July 1st, (Stage 3). We expect to be able to do all the preparatory work under Stage 2 after mid-June.
If you have been hanging back, wanting to wait and see what the status of the pandemic in Alberta, or the provincial restrictions will be, we encourage you to now register through the website or contact John Schmidt.
Further information, for instance about times and locations, will be forthcoming as we get closer.
But it was a VERY good day.
Gary Paukert
VP/Communications Directors
CSMS League