Correction: Practices Start NEXT WEEK
Posted by Gary Paukert on
Apr 17 2021
07:48AM PDT
in May 2019
Those of you who can actually read a calendar probably figured this out, but CSMS League practices start next week, NOT the week of April 28/29. Therefore, they will be held:
Wednesday, April 21st (11:00-1:00) and Thursday, April 22nd (5:30-7:30), weather permitting.
Show up at Charleswood 1 and we’ll form groups of 10 and disperse to the various diamonds.
If this makes a difference in your availability, please contact me at to change.
The CSMS Communications Department apologizes would like to assure you that those responsible for this error have been sacked.
Most regretfully,
Gary Paukert
Director, Communications Foul-ups
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