Registration for the 2021 CSMS League Season is OPEN.
Only 95 Days ’til the 2021 Season!
Having lost our crystal ball, we cannot predict COVID restrictions for the coming summer. However, the league IS planning to provide at the least something similar to last year’s cohort-based, scrimmage schedule and at best a full regular season with playoffs.
Also, new for summer 2021, we are offering AA/AAA Dayball to be played between 10:00am and 2:00pm Tuesdays through Thursdays at Charleswood/Triwood. You may play regular Evening Ball, AA/AAA Dayball, or both. AA/AAA Dayball will be ability-based with a player draft, just like Evening Ball. Players who have not previously played in the league will be required to attend the evaluation session.
To register, go to our website, click on the big green button near the top right-hand corner and follow the instructions. Please note that THE VAST MAJORITY of you – those who paid and played last summer – will NOT need to register. Your registration and fees have been rolled over from 2020 to 2021. However this year, EVERYONE will need to go to and purchase their $30 membership for insurance coverage.
We look forward to hearing from you and to seeing old friends again soon on snow-free diamonds at Charleswood and Triwood, hopefully with rapidly-diminishing concerns about COVID.
Best regards,
Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications