CSMS League Summer Activities Start-up
Hello CSMS League ballplayers,
As the Alberta restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic have been eased lately, of course you’ve been wondering if our league might instate some sort of activities for this summer. I’m happy to tell you the answer is ‘yes!’
Your Board has been struggling with the many facets of the COVID problem for weeks now, trying to come up with a plan that will be acceptable to the Province of Alberta Health Minister, that will keep our league members safe, and will provide the exercise, enjoyment and camaraderie that we have all been missing. It is not been an easy task, especially with the challenge of rapidly changing restrictions and multiple interest groups within the league. In addition, there is a wide spectrum of attitude toward the virus risk within our league with some members not at all interested in taking the risk associated with playing this summer, and others not concerned about the virus at all.
As a Board, we believe we have come up with a compromise plan that will be acceptable to most.
While the current provincial restrictions do not allow a full resumption of our league, teams can now gather for casual slo-pitch practice and scrimmage games. The CSMS League will facilitate this by purchasing diamond permits for Charleswood 1&2 and Triwood for the remainder of the summer and will serve as diamond co-coordinator so that diamond scheduling conflicts are avoided.
Last year’s 2019 teams are encouraged to re-form and play within ‘cohorts’ as prescribed by the Province. + If you played last year, you’ll have the opportunity to scrimmage/practice with the same team for the remainder of this summer+. Players new to the league will be assigned a team. This plan will likely involve two ‘cohorts’ of three teams in each of our A, AA and AAA Divisions. During the current Phase 2, teams will only play the other two teams in their cohort. In Phase 3, play will be expanded such that teams can play teams from their other division cohort as well.
Since not all players will wish to participate, some re-distribution of players (including those new to the CSMS League for 2020) will be done by the league.
The CSMS League will provide and initial practice schedule for use at the Diamonds. Team managers & coaches will be responsible for contacting other teams and scheduling practices or scrimmages outside of the CSMS League schedule.
It is important to understand that these activities are NOT formal sports league activities but are casual practice-type meetings among limited cohorts. During them, as long as Alberta is in Phase 2, specific social distancing rules MUST be followed as required by the Provincial Health Minister, e.g. no more than 3 people in the dugout at a time, no high-fives, no sharing of equipment and before each activity the manager will be required to survey each of his players individually as to their health, travel, potential past exposure to COVID-19 and participation in other slo-pitch leagues. Players will also be required to sign a one-time legal waiver form, (all forms and regulations available for download on our website). While somewhat of a pain in Phase 2, the requirements will probably be relaxed a bit with Phase 3.
There will be NO COST to play under this scheme. If you register(ed) for the 2020 season prior midnight Sunday, July 12th, you can participate. As mentioned before, if you have already paid your CSMS League fees (not including the Alberta 55+ $30), those will be applied toward your 2021 season.
Some additional information on diamond availability:
• The Charleswood diamonds will be available anytime during the day. Charleswood 1 will also be available after 6:00pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Charleswood 2 will also be available after 6:00pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and also on Fridays starting in August.
• The Triwood diamond will be available for day ball teams from anytime in the morning to 2:00 pm, Mondays through Thursdays. The Triwood diamond will also be available for any 2019 AA teams from 2:00pm to 9:00pm Mondays through Thursdays. Fridays and weekends the diamond is open.
• The league will not provide umpires for this. Each team is encouraged to supply one of their players if an umpire is desired.
We hope to see play begin shortly after July 12th. Your 2019 team coach or manager will be in touch with you to determine whether you are interested in playing or not and let you know about planned practices/scrimmages.
Best regards,
CSMS League Board of Directors