Announcement Regarding CSMS 55 Plus League Meetings and the Coronavirus Outbreak
The Board of Directors of Calgary Senior Men’s Slo-Pitch 55 Plus has executed an electronic board meeting (via emails) and has approved the postponement of all upcoming Board of Directors meetings and the spring AGM until the current coronavirus outbreak is less of a risk to our members and those they come into contact with.
In making this decision, the Board considered the age of our members, the advice of our government health agencies and the demographics present at the venue where we hold our meetings, (Canadian Legion).
Our President Ernie French will, after approval of our Board, announce the future dates for the Board meetings and AGM, and any changes to the dates of our planned activities such as the umpire’s clinic, the evaluation day, player draft and start date of the 2020 season.
Your understanding of the due diligence of your Board taking this action is appreciated.