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Further Update on Charles Adams

Posted by Gary Paukert at Sep 6, 2021 10:06AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Further word from wife Janet on our friend Charles Adams. He is still in the ICU and they are running tests on his heart. He is up and walking and sitting in a chair to eat his meals.

No word yet on when he might be released from hospital.


Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications

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Update on Charles Adams - Good News!

Posted by Gary Paukert at Sep 1, 2021 8:23PM PDT ( 1 Comment )

Hello again, League:

As I’ve had many people ask about him, I wanted to update you on Charles Adams.

Ernie French got a call from Charles’ wife Janet yesterday. Charles is doing much better! He is able to get up and eat his meals sitting in a chair, is taking a few steps and is off most of the IV medication he was on.

No word yet on when he’ll be released, but we all look forward to seeing his fuzzy familiar face in the bleachers at Charleswood 1 very soon.


Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications


A member of the AAA Red Sox has tested positive for COVID-19. Tracy Roberts (name given by permission) has been quite ill at home since last Saturday evening. Tracy played at Charleswood 1 the previous Thursday night and afterwards went to JT’s Lounge at Triwood Community Centre where many CSMS League players were gathered. Tracy received two doses of the Moderna vaccine more than two weeks ago, and therefore was considered ‘fully vaccinated.’ If you were at JT’s last Thursday night, you may have been exposed to COVID-19, however AHS believes that evening was too early yet for there to have been much chance of Tracy infecting anyone.

Out of an abundance of caution, the League has decided to suspend play temporarily until next Wednesday to make sure that no one contracted the virus from Tracy at JT’s. Thus far no second case has been noted.

We would ask ALL League members to self-monitor and if you feel unwell, get tested for COVID-19. If you do test positive, please inform the League immediately. It is not necessary for your name to be publicized.

If no further cases come to our attention, we will continue playoffs starting next Wednesday.

Coaches and Managers: Please get this information to any of your charges who will not receive this email through TeamPages.

Although Tracy is now on the mend, he was quite miserable for a few days and wanted to pass the message on to everyone to get yourselves vaccinated. Obviously being vaccinated is not a 100% protection against infection. But it does significantly reduce the chances of getting very ill and likely reduces the chances of catching and spreading the virus.

To Your Health,

Gary Paukert
CSMS League VP/Communications Director

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Charles Adams in Hospital

Posted by Gary Paukert at Aug 28, 2021 4:22PM PDT ( 3 Comments )

Hey, most of you know Charles Adams (our friendly, unofficial CSMS security guy who is often found in the stands at Charleswood 1 with his wife Janet). If you don’t know him by name, I bet you know him by sight. Well Charles fell and broke his hip at Triwood last Thursday.

Janet reported that he had his operation and was doing well. However, this morning he was transferred to the ICU unit with heart racing and trouble breathing. No visitors allowed, but I know you’ll all want to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications

Congrats also to the Dodgers for 1st Place in the ‘A’ Division this year with a 12-3-1 record!

‘A’ Division, your playoffs start Tuesday, August 31st with the Dodgers playing the Brewers and the A’s playing the Jays. Playoffs continue Wednesday and Thursday, September 1 and 2.

Good luck, all!

Gary Paukert
CSMS League Communications